Our Response to COVID-19
We, at Afi Health, recognize the challenges that parents and children are facing amidst this crisis. With school closures and work-from-home mandates that seem indefinite, it can be incredibly difficult to juggle the many facets of parenting and working at once. Afi Health is trying to alleviate some of those struggles by developing supplemental resources for you and your kids to use at home.
Each week, we will release a new Adventures with Afi packet, containing various activities that your children can work on independently. These will include academic projects, creative projects, easy recipes, and kid-friendly information about the coronavirus.
Week One
This week, join Afi with some exciting projects like paper bracelets, storm-in-a-glass, and an easy recipe!
Week Five
This week we’re gonna create some piper cleaner pets, cook up some Cheerio snack bars, and make an egg FLOAT!
Week Nine
This week, join us as we do some fun activities and talk about a very important topic: racism.
Week Two
This week, make your very own homemade lava lamp, paper snowflakes and ice cream in a bag!
Week Six
This week we’ve got some bubbling volcanoes, pillowy playdough, and tasty apple stackers!
Week Ten
This week, experiment with some fizzy oranges, make homemade jewelry, and munch on ants-on-a-log!
Week Three
This week we’re cooking up some banana pops, crystal candy, and making our very own pet rocks!
Week Seven
This week let’s make balloon speakers, gooey slime, and Jell-O popsicles to get through the first summer days!
Week Eleven
This week, make homemade crystals, a bouncy origami frog, and a colorful fruit rainbow!